
Showing posts from May, 2012

So Much To Catch Up On!

It has been a couple of weeks since I've posted and I apologize for my tardiness.  Much has been going on and we are excited to share all the things God has been doing in the last couple of weeks! 1.  Our Support! When it comes to support, we actually have three categories:  our monthly requirements for living overseas, our Outfit and Passage to get there, which includes flights, visas and immunizations, and our Outfit and Passage to get home.  Two out of the three are pretty much complete.  People have responded in big-time generosity and we have been overwhelmed!  Mountain moved. We have 99% of our monthly support and 100% of our Outfit and Passage to get over there.  We just need to raise a little more to get home -- but we have 2 years to do that.  Miracles! 2.  Our Flights! Because we have raised our support, we have also booked flights!  This seems like such a huge step in the process.  We are actually doing this!!...


We've been in the process of getting all our shots for Africa.  Africa really gets under your skin.   We've had 2 out of 3 shots for Hep A/B.  We've had a yellow fever shot.  Now we need Meningitis and perhaps Typhoid.   Doesn't that sound like a good time? Here's Nolan getting his shot.   Yes, we are getting our shots outside on someone's back porch.  Turns out my lovely neighbour across the road is an ER nurse and she did the shots for free, rather than charging us $50 per person like my doc would have.  Thank you, sweet neighbour lady! The needles are not fun.  Poor Jack just about loses his mind when he knows it's time to get one.  We had to go to the travel clinic this past week to get our yellow fever shot and it took a nurse and me to hold Jack while another nurse poked him in the arm.  He HATES it.  So do I, but I don't kick the nurse when she comes near me!  Poor Jack-o. Here's Ted...

Drum roll, please.....

84% Hello, Mr. Snake.... Here's what he looked like before: Here's what he looks like now:  Hello Rainbow Snake.  We're almost there!!  In other news, we have just posted our house to be rented, so please pray that the right people come along at the right time.  Our goal for departure is now August 17th, so we have a lot to do in 14 weeks!