Lots to share
So, I'll start at the very beginning, turns out it's a very good place to start. Almost two weeks ago now, (it was a Sunday) Kylie complained of a sore foot. I didn't think much of it because she had just played a big game of "water soccer" (we've invented a new pool game here) that afternoon, so may be she twisted it or hurt it somehow. By Monday morning, she refused to walk normal on it, so I took a good look. It wasn't red or swollen at all. Later in the day, it seemed to be worse, so we took her to the Mango hospital. The medical guy (I don't think he was a doctor. you'll understand why in a moment.) took a look, wrapped it in a tensor bandage, prescribed ibuprofen, tylenol and vitamin C, and told us to go home. Oh, and this is where it got weird. Before we left, he poured rubbing alcohol all over the tensor bandage on her foot and told me I needed to do that twice a day. (I'm telling you, I cannot make this stuff up...) OKay, ...