The New Year
In the last month or so, we have been thinking back to this time last year. It's so very hard to believe that it's been a year since the craziness in our lives really began. It was December 21 last year that Kylie, Emily and I made the trek to Tsiko over what we thought was just a "strangely sore foot." We had no idea how that trip would change everything. It was December 29 when Nate and the boys arrived in Tsiko and Jack had his ceiling-fan scalping. It will be one year ago this Thursday (January 16) that Ethan and Nate will have had their motorcycle accident. So weird. It's unbelievable, really, what has happened in the last 365 days. But here we are, a year later. It's taken me a long time to sit down and blog again because I truly have had so little to say. I know for a fact that you are not interested in hearing about my measly home-schooling efforts, my endless loads of laundry, and our uninteresting work-a-day life here at home. There are...