Good news, good news!
Here's the latest on the kids - just to keep you up to speed. A couple of weeks ago, Kylie had blood work done to see how her numbers are holding up since she's been off the antibiotics. Last Friday, both Ethan and Kylie had appointments with the surgeon (yay for having one doc for the two kids!) to see how things have been coming along. Ethan went first and she checked out his knee to see how things had healed from his surgery on March 21st. Remember that she removed quite a nice sized chunk of bone. Ethan had the surgery on a Friday and had ditched his crutches by Sunday afternoon. Don't tell the surgeon this, but I think he was riding his bike on the Tuesday. Anyhow, after she did a bunch of range-of-motion exercises on his leg, she declared him "perfect." He made sure that she repeated that a couple of times for all to hear and asked her to write that in his file. He's officially perfect - at least medically, his knee is. It's actually...