Summertime update

Happy Middle of August! We can't believe how quickly the summer is passing. It's been a busy one and we have some updates to share with you: 1. Last week we had the privilege of going on a family holiday - all seven of us! Everyone was able to book the same week off from work, so we headed to the beautiful province of Quebec. We had a great time as a family, enjoying the beauty of the province and engaging in some crazy adventures. We went white water rafting, whale-watching (and yes, we saw whales!), caving in Gatineau Park and exploring a little of Old Quebec City. It was absolutely lovely! The view of the St. Lawrence from one of our campgrounds. Heading into our first rapid... Jack and Ted at The Citadel Beautiful Old Quebec City It was also great to practice our French. It's amazing what we remember but more astonishing what we forgot. Nate only made one major faux-pas but likely we'll never see those people aga...