It's been a while...

Sorry it's been so long since I've written - the internet has been especially lousy over the last couple of weeks. In order to create a new post, I have to have a long stretch of time with decent internet to upload the photos, then write the post and then actually publish it. This is no five-minute task, my friends!! But there's much to tell you, so enough excuses already. Here's what we've been up to: CONSTRUCTION! The houses are coming along great. Nate and Bruce have been working hard with the Togolese men. House #1 now has the trusses on and House #2 has walls to the roof line and window frames going in. The crew hopes to have House #1 completed by the end of April! That's some great timing if it all works out like that. To think that we got here in mid-November and it was just getting started. We had to wait for the container from the USA to arrive (which it did, just a couple of days after my birthday which meant that I had the...