News, news, news!

Ack! The internet is just terrible out here and I feel so badly that I can't keep you up-to-date on what's happening. So much to say, so I'm jumping right in! Anna and the Baby: If you remember last time I wrote, I told you about Anna heading over to Indianapolis with a Mango mom and baby to have heart surgery on the little 6 month old girl, "S". Well, they made it to the USA without any major glitches and within just a few days, the surgery was performed. It went amazingly well and the heart-condition of the baby was totally repaired. Anna was overwhelmed with the response of a local church and missionary friends and family that visited them, encouraged them, took them out to dinner, loaned a car, and prayed with her and Mom and baby. The mom, "S", was so moved by all the love and kindness that she was receiving from all these strangers. Anna and the mom were able to have some really great talks about life in Mango, her religious beliefs, ...