Carte de Séjour (CdS)
The process of getting a long-term visa in this country is easy for some, but not for Canadians. In fact, it's a long expensive exercise where frustration abounds. This process has a name: Carte de Sejour (CdS). Because we only received a three-month visa when we first arrived and the CdS process requires about 15 different documents which can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to get, I started collecting the paperwork basically upon our arrival. If I took the time to explain the entire process this post would be long and you would be bored. So let me highlight a few of our better moments. A teammate of ours has kindly created a CdS file that we can all share. It clearly explains the documents required and how to get them. The list has 17 items on it, in a lovely order of how and where to get each piece of paper. However there are tips and tricks along the way that can make things go smoother. Like knowing that a blue pen makes all the difference when fill...