God Sees

Almost four weeks ago a tiny premie baby girl was brought into our hospital on the brink of death. She was born at 32 weeks and a neighbour brought her in because her mother had abandoned her. When she arrived, she was in terrible shape. One of our doctors, Elizabeth along with her medical team, worked very hard to save this little life. God saw this baby girl. And she is alive and well today. Sleepy little angel. This is our baby girl. She has no parents. She has no home. She lives in a bassinet at the nurses station in our hospital and a variety of people, both medical staff and people like me, take turns feeding, holding and loving this little one. After the first week in the hospital, one of our nurses decided it was time to give this baby a name. So she named her Leah, which means "God sees me." After hearing that Leah was her first name, I decided she needed a middle name! Elizabeth was the obvious choice. Not only ...