Counting Miracles

Over Christmas break, Nate went a missions trip with our church to help build a hospital in Mango, Togo, West Africa. While he was there, God was working on my heart here. Before he left, I had no desire to even see Africa.

Italy, yes.

France, for sure!

Africa, no.

In fact, for years I have wanted to do overseas missions with our family but my prayer has always been the same:

"Please God, not Africa or India. The world is a big place. Just not there. Amen."

Long story short: we're attempting to go to Africa.

Once Nate got back, I knew....I just KNEW from the moment we picked him up at the airport that he had loved this trip, loved what he did there, loved the people and loved what God was doing. And that meant he wanted to go. And miraculously, by the time he got back, I was willing to go.

Miracle #1: I'm willing.

So this blog will be about counting miracles. We are excited, really and truly, to step out in faith and see what God is going to do with us. And I figure since He should get the glory, I need to share the miracles as they happen. I mean, what good would it be to have a miracle happen in your life and not tell a single soul?

Once Nate was back and we were settled in a bit (jet lag over etc.), we met with the missions agency associated with his trip and they told us to start the online application process.

Miracle #2: Within 2 days, we had been accepted based on our Preliminary Applications.

Miracle #3: The following day we filled out the "big application". We've passed that stage too.

This whole process started one week ago today. And we've witnessed three miracles already.

I hope you'll join us on this journey watching God do what He does best: blessing His children and showing His awesome power. All the glory goes to Him. And we get the best deal: front row seats to see Him work.

We've got a long road ahead. Passports, visas, financial support, what to do with our house, needles, more needles... These mountains are what lay ahead on the journey. But wouldn't ya know, God moves mountains.


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