Losing Count

I'm losing track. There have been so many really cool things that have happened in the last week, I'm losing count of all the miracles we are seeing.

Between Tuesday and Friday of last week we had a few more families let us know that they were excited to support us. We received all the kid's new passports. And I got speak with the Project Manager of the hospital work site on skype -- a totally flukey, right-place-at-the-right-time, God-ordained thing. It's incredible.

I decided to make one of those "fundraiser thermometer" things and hang it in our dining room. It's not exactly a thermometer ~ it's a snake. And every stripe of the snake is $100 of support. So 42 strips to go. As the kids colour in the stripes, I'll post some pics so you can see it.

On Sunday morning two men showed up to our church. One is a surgeon and the other is an anaesthesiologist. (for sure I spelled that wrong) They both have worked in Togo at the hospital in the south. We met them just before church and they invited us to have lunch with them and chat about Togo.

It was amazing. These two men were such an encouragement. The surgeon lived with his family (wife and four boys) in Togo for 20 years before returning to the USA due to his wife's health issues. The stories this man told were miraculous! They were inspiring and encouraging and exciting to hear. It was another miracle. God must have known that we needed to meet these men - they'd never been to our church before and were just meeting somewhere before they had lunch together. Don't try and tell me that is not a miracle.

I'm sure we're somewhere around miracle#12 by now -- at least. I can't believe I'm losing count and we're only about 3 weeks into this adventure.

Tonight we meet with the missions committee of our church. We get to share what our plans are and what we hope to accomplish. IF all goes well, our hope is that our church with partner with us and support us financially. More stripes on the snake!


  1. ERIN!!! AFRICA!??! that is so amazingly-awesomely-fantastic! i'm so excited for your family! blog often!


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