We're HERE!!

So I just got internet this morning and am so very excited to be connected with friends and family again.  The last week has been a whirlwind.  I have so much to tell and so little time to do it this morning.  I'll do a few posts working through the last week so I've got record of all the craziness.  But the good news is we're here.  We're alive.  And we're adjusting....sort of.

Come with me, back in time, to a week ago today....

We were at my parent's house the night before we left and stayed overnight because we had officially moved out of our un-rented house in Coldstream.  The morning we left was difficult.  Really difficult.  Our Robert Q ride to the airport was booked to show up at 10:45 am.  At about 9:30 am people started arriving at my parent's house to say goodbye and see us off.  My mom, sweet hostess that she is, had a small table set up by the driveway with coffee and kleenex available to anyone who need either.  It was adorable.

We had several friends and family show up, and it was great to have people to chat with as we waited for time to pass and Mr. Robert Q to show up.  Once we saw that big white van coming down the road, my stomach was in knots.  Uggh.  We're leaving.

And the hugs, kisses, and tears began.  I NEVER want to do that again.  We prayed together amidst sniffling and nose-blowing and then we piled in.  All our stuff fit.  I have photos to show you but will download them later as I just want to post this so you all know the story.

As we climbed in, shut the door and waved good-bye, there was silence inside the van.  Awkward, uncomfortable, sad silence.  And faintly but ever so clearly on the radio, I could hear a song playing....

"Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you....whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you...."

Seriously.  I did NOT need that right then.  But it was almost funny because of the timing.  But not that funny.

We arrived at the airport, got all our luggage checked and waited.  The first flight was just a hop, skip and jump to Montreal.  I sat between Jack and Ted and they did amazing.  We took off, the nice ladies served us pop and pretzels, we made one craft together and we were landing.  It was good practice.

We waited in Montreal for an hour, had a snack and then reboarded the same plane for Brussels. I told Ted and Jack that after they served us supper, we would watch one "kid show" and then it was time for bed.  And that's what we did.   We ate dinner, they cleaned it up,  Teddy put his head on my knee and was asleep in about five minutes.  All I can say is....THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!  The kids were amazing!

We landed in Brussels, found our terminal, bought a snack and waited.  (I bought one water bottle, one tiny coffee and two croissants for the grand total of $16 american.  Nice!)  This was a long wait and thankfully, the terminal we waited in had a play-place for kids.  Somebody in Brussels was thinking!

We boarded again and before the plane had finished boarding, Teddy was asleep in his seat.  I was feeling like crap...I was certain I'd be barfing before the plane took off and I had one seat next to me where some poor stranger would have to listen to me puke in those little bags.  But again, THANK YOU FOR PRAYING, because, in fact, nobody sat there and within a few minutes, I was asleep kinda-stretched-out in my seat and the seat beside me.  I woke up feeling way better.  This flight was loooong and boring.  Only one movie was played in 7 hours of travel.  And the kids had seen it twice already.  Oh well.  We landed in Cote D'ivoire, but didn't have to get off the plane, they just refuelled and brough some more people one (no one in my extra seat) and we took off for the fourth time.  We were getting really good at take-off's and landings.  The kids started rating how good the pilot was by the last round.

At last we landed in darkness at the Lome airport.  But don't think "airport" like you know one to be.  Think big empty warehouse filled with the stench of sweaty African people, a couple of "seats" in it (which were two upholstered chairs with the stuffing bursting out) and a baggage claim thing.  That's it.  I tried to take a picture but I thought I might get in trouble so I only have one crappy fuzzy photo of Teddy lying on the floor of this big dirty place.  He was so tired, and I was so tired, I just let him lie there.  I'm sure I deserve Parent-of-the-Year for that one.

We picked up all our luggage, (thank you again for praying as not one piece was lost or damaged), made our way through customs, and found Cindy, our missionary colleague who met us outside customs, helped us through some craziness in the parking lot (men wanting money) and drove us to our little hotel in Lome.

And that's day 1.

More to come later....


  1. I'm so pumped you can update the blog, Erin! Sounds like the traveling went really, really well, considering! I'm sure it was totally exhausting, too- I can't imagine. Can't wait to hear more about your days and happenings there! :)

  2. I've been watching the blog to wait for an update and here you are!
    I hate flying, I get sick every time so i understand your craziness there. I'm happy everyone survived that trip in one piece and with most sanity intact lol. Our row at church was awfully empty this past Sunday. Alex and I joked we will have to find some strangers to take your spots till you get back lol.
    Can't wait for the nest post!

  3. "Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you....whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you...." Maybe reflective of your relationship with God? Doing what he calls you to do, whatever it takes, even when it's really, really hard? I know that's not what the song was about, but that's what I thought of.

    This post made me smile. And get teary. And pray for you all the more.


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