On Site...

Since we're actually here to help construct a hospital, it might be a good idea for me to post some photos of Nate working on site to help you visualize what it is he does in a day!

This building will be the pharmacy.  

This is the other corner of the same building.  It's actually three buildings in one.
There's the pharmacy, triage, and another thing I can't remember right now.  

This is the foundation/footings/first few courses of brick on the actual hospital building.
This is a fuzzy picture of Nate with Bawa and Fusini, the two carpenters here.

Nate and the carpenters are building the door and window frames here. Then
a special beam called a "bond beam" gets build out of concrete along the top.

On this building you can see the bond beam framed and poured with concrete.
Nate's arms were pretty tired the other night from lifting buckets of concrete
up to this height!  I'm pretty sure I would have been crying if I had to do it.
When a patient comes, this is where their family will stay.

This is the entrance to the hospital.  You can see a building with no roof.
This is the cookhouse.  When a patient is admitted, the family stays
on site in housing and cooks for them.  I bet it's better
food than our hospital food in Canada!!  Okay, may be not.

And this is what Nate does on his lunch break after a hot morning in the sun!


  1. Wow, that's pretty intense physical labour. How far are you all from the work site? And is Nate working with just two guys, building this thing by hand?


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