Road Trip for Two.

Last Sunday, Nate and I skipped church and took off north of Mango for a little road trip.
Here we are on the bike. I took this photo to prove to my friends Alyson and Dr. Laura that YES, WE WORE HELMETS!!  

Look how smooth the road is.  

There are lots of tiny villages along the road side, here's one of a bunch of mud huts and a woman carrying her stuff on her head.  An every day African sight.

We drove north for about an hour, towards the village of Dapong.  On the way back, we met up with some locals.

(These pics are for Steve Bloomfield.  Check out these crazy cattle.)

Getting closer and they just kept coming...

I realize this isn't a great shot, but that's our mirror and look how close the cow's back side is to us!

They just kept on coming, seemed like hundreds.

We totally blew by these guys.

And also this poor guy with his bundle of sticks.  See ya later!

And here we are in real life.  The gas station attendant was willing to take our photo.

And for those of you who noticed.  Yes, this is a different bike that we are riding.  Nate felt the need, yes, NEED to upgrade.  This is a nasty green beast that rides a LOT smoother and of course, faster. 

It was a fun morning.  Even though we almost ran out of gas.


  1. I remember the look of those roads. ha! Glad to see those helmets!

  2. Hahahaaha! Oh I love these photos. Mostly the last two - you two are just the cutest! I bet those helmets (and white sunglasses) didn't make you stand out AT ALL.
    I must know - what was important enough for you heathens to skip church for?? Besides a romantic drive through the countryside?

  3. Just wanted to let you know that I have been sharing your work/adventures with the Chix as much as I can as they have been asking...and I have now emailed out the blog address to the league so know you are loved!!

  4. The road looks very smooth, if you dodge the potholes, which should be quite easy to do on that mean, green machine. One day, there will be a blog post about elephants crossing, not odd-looking cows! That is, if elephants even live in that part of Africa :-P

  5. More pics of the motorbike, please...

    Derek (Nate's brother-in-law!)


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