Pics from the OR

IF you hate blood and guts, just go ahead and close up today's blog post.  It gets pretty nasty.

Dr. Briggs just arrived back here in Tsiko about a week ago from his year in the USA.  He went into the OR with Ethan to take video footage and photos of the operation.  He kindly shared these with us.

So here we go...
The drill bit kinda thing is going in his knee to drill out the bone.
The doc on the right is holding the bone with pliers.
The knee is open!
Choosing the rod size.

Putting the rod in.
The Sign Nail contraption before it goes in.

The Sign Nail contraption is in!

Here he is being worked on.

Poor Todd was working like a beast to get this done AND fighting
malaria symptoms too.

The incision to get to the bone.

 So there ya go. The video footage is pretty interesting and rather frightening, actually.  Orthopaedic surgery is pretty aggressive stuff.  But again, we are so so grateful that these men were able to help Ethan!  And I know he's getting better - how do I know that, you ask?  Today after I took him some breakfast he said this to me:
"And Mom, for lunch I'd like a sandwich with meat, lettuce, tomato, mustard, and bbq sauce.  Oh, do you have onions?  Then I'd like onions too."

I have never been happier to make that boy a sandwich.


  1. Ok, yeah, I had to scroll past some of those. I tried to look, I really did, but clearly, I am a wimp. I did see that SIGN nail thingy on the internet, though, and read about how it works and how it's changing things in developing countries. That was pretty cool.

    Never will you build a hospital with more passion than you will have when this is all over . . .

    Praying always. Love to you all. Now I think you've got a hungry young man to feed, thank God.

  2. Wow! Praise God for the good help available and His grace for you each moment you need it!
    I am praying for you!

  3. I scrolled quickly through the pictures. Your comment at the end made me smile! Please don't make any more trips to the ER for the remainder of your stay in Togo, s'il vous plaît. Bon courage!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear Nate, Erin and Family,

    You have been tried by fire and have come through as GOLD. What an example of great faith in our loving God. Madeline and I are praying for you all. That healing will be total and complete for Jack, Ethan and Kylie. For Nolan and Teddy that they will be kept safe from harm. And for Dad and Mom, that God will give you peace and strength to just be parents in light of what has taken place.

    You mentioned people could help by providing financing to travel back and forth from North to South in Togo. When you can find a minute, please let us know how we can do this.

    We love you in the Lord,
    Lee & Madeline

    PS. Nate, sad year for the Cowboys.

  6. Awesome to see the way God places people around you guys. Some more Angels would be good as well ;)
    Hang in there. We are praying for you and the rest of the family. Pics were awesome, Thanks. Michelle didn't bother with them :)
    Have fun with your big brother.
    See ya


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