Ten Things


5.  Clothes that dry on the line in less than 15 minutes!
At least that was how it was when I left during the dry season, now that it's coming into rainy season it can two or three days depending on how wet and humid it is.

4. The Two-Handed Wave.
There's nothing like driving out the gate at the hospital or zipping through town and getting the Togolese-Two-Handed-Wave, even from perfect strangers.  It just makes you feel like everyone is just waiting to become friends with you and they are genuinely glad you drove past.

3. Life on the Compound
I really miss the craziness, the busyness and the never-a-dull-moment life on the hospital compound.  There's always something going on, someone popping by, or some crazy adventure (from discovering rotting meat in freezers to cracking open a safe...)

2.  My Friends
I miss my new friends -the missionaries on our team and the Togolese friends we made.  It stinks that they're there and I'm here!

1.  The Obvious One!
Nate and the boys!!  I miss my better half and the three boys with him.


5.  Grocery Stores.
I love them.  I love the options and variety. It's something I took for granted for sure!

4.  The Weather.
I know it's been fairly miserable weather since I've gotten home to Canada, but it's nice to experience seasons.  In Africa, it's either hot and wet OR it's hot and dry.  So things like snow and sleet, hail and rain, sunny days, cloudy days, warm, cold, freezing, fresh, or smokin' hot.  It's so nice to have the changes of season.

3. Water.
It is absolutely amazing to turn on a tap and drink the water.  It still catches me off guard even though I've been home for almost 2 months now.  Today I was making supper and it just amazed me that I could turn on the tap and use what came out.  This is a gift, plain and simple.

2. My Church
Oh how I appreciate my church family, now more than ever.  They have been helpful, encouraging, supportive, and down right kind. And there's nothing like standing in a Sunday morning service having the entire congregation belt out the Doxology in four part harmony! Amazing.

1.  The Obvious One.
Family and dear friends.  Man, I love these people.  I praise God for the people He has placed in my life as family and friends. I have NO idea what I would do without them.


  1. So many blessings that we don't always see, until we open our eyes . . . thanks for the reminders!


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