Blood work

Last week Kylie had another round of blood work done and while we were on our way to pick up Nate from the hospital we got a call from the doc that said the results weren't so good.  Too low.

The whole point of all this blood work is to measure three things:  the level of meds in her system, and two tests called a CRP and an ESR that measure inflammation in her body.  For the most part, her CRP and ESR have been great - it's the med levels that have been all over the map. And like I've mentionted before, the goal is 11.  That's what we're aiming for.

If the meds are too low, there's not enough antibiotic in her system to kill the bad bugs.  If there's too much, there's a change we'll fry her kidneys and cause damage.

So on Monday, Nate took her in to the hospital to have the repeat blood work done.  When Kylie came home from having it done, she told me that she thought that we had messed up on the timing of the blood work.  To get an accurate reading of her med levels, we need to have the blood drawn exactly 30 minutes before she gets a dose of meds.  She thought we'd messed up because while the nurse was drawing the blood, she could hear her pump giving her a dose.  Whoopsie.

I figured we'd hear from the doc's office that the numbers were skewed and indeed, we did.  Her med levels were at a 44.9.  Yikes.  That's so high it's critical.  I explained our little mistake and so we went for the third round of blood work yesterday and this time we nailed the timing.  Thirty minutes before a dose exactly.

And the doc's office called yesterday afternoon. Her numbers are still critically high. They told us to stop the pump immediately (it made me think "Stop the presses!!") and unhook her from the pump until this morning until we (you guessed it!) go back in for more blood work.

I'm writing all this so that:

1.  I'll have a record of all this.  One day I'm sure I'll want to reread all this craziness.

2. So you can pray.  Please do.

3. So I can tell you what my devotions said this morning, so that you'll know that God does speak directly to our hearts.

"Learn to appreciate difficult you journey through rough terrain with Me (Jesus), gain confidence from your knowledge that together we can handle anything.  This knowledge is comprised of three parts:  your relationship with Me,  promises in the Bible, and past experiences of coping successfully during hard times."

I'm not sure what will happen to regulate Kylie's numbers, or what they'll do or if we'll even hear anything today.  But I'll let you know as we find out.

Thanks for praying!


  1. Stay Strong, everyone is praying to our wonderful God for a positive solution that will end little Kylie (the tough one) having to wear a backpack full of meds.


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