Oh ME of Little Faith

We've had kind of a big week here.  It's been a bit of a roller coaster.

On Tuesday, an offer was placed on our house from the family that had put the note in our mailbox.

On Wednesday, we counter-offered.

On Thursday, we sold our house. Can I be really honest and say that this was actually really hard?  This business of knowing, not only that we're going to be homeless in a few months, but also that we'll never live here again, is tough.  We love our house.  It's our home. When I told the kids that we'd actually sold it, they all kind of looked at me and said, "Oh."


Exactly.  Although these are exciting days, they're hard. Obedience is easy, said no-one ever.

And then another big deal on Thursday.  One of our big prayer requests has been for Ethan.  Ethan is NOT coming with us to Togo and my momma's heart is having a struggle with this one too.  I know it's natural for kids to grow up and leave the nest, but is it natural for moms and dads to sell the nest and ask the baby birds to leave?

Our prayer for Ethan has been that God would give him a sense of purpose and a future (oh, yes, praying Jeremiah 29:11 over him), something that he would be excited about and would give him direction.  He's been doing a co-op during this last semester of high school as an electrician and he has loved it.  He'd love to get an apprenticeship and become a licensed electrician. And we've been praying about this a lot.  A lot.

And today, May 26th, he got a job offer from the electrical company he's working with for a full-time job. With a future apprenticeship later this summer or fall.

Oh me of little faith.  I wasn't sure God would do this. And He did. He totally did.

And then on Thursday again, we got our first supporter.  A dear and wonderful couple who have been to Togo and have a piece of their hearts still there.  Amazing!

So it looks like we're moving.  At least we're leaving our house and moving somewhere in the next few months.  (I'm trying NOT to think about the sorting, purging, packing and boxes that are now the agenda for this summer.)

But in it all we have seen our Faithful Father act on our behalf making what seemed too big and impossible to be totally accomplished. Done and done.  He is so faithful.


  1. I feel like crying. It's exciting and scary and happy and sad and, and, and...

    When I read the part about Ethan not going my stomach fell 100 feet. I will be praying for you! You raised a good one but that's still a big deal. Excited to see what the next step is.

  2. Like I said: "How much more confirmation do you need?:-) So thrilled for you at the same time reliving the experiences of leaving children behind. In our case, they were 15. Praying for all the transition things.

  3. Oh Er bear, this just hurts my heart. Although I'm rejoicing with you over what God has done and how faithful He is to lead when we are obedient to follow, this is MUCH sacrifice for you all. And sacrifice is painful. My heart hurts for you dear friend on all the many "costs" of yours and Nates faithfulness.
    My mommas heart crys with you over the letting go of your firstborn. It's incredibly painful and being so far away just intensifies things. SO much HARD stuff to come. BUT I will pray for you. And I will praise.

    HE is most definitely worth our EVERYTHING! And with these sacrifices will come fruit and I for one will be watching and waiting with baited breath for His glory made known by your family's faithfulness!

    Love you sweet sister! Xo


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