Good news!

Three things to share with you:

1. The packing has started.  Our house is a mess with boxes and totes everywhere. We signed the lease for our house and we move out on October 27th.  That's this month!  Eek!

2. The tickets are actually booked.  We fly out on Monday, November 14th at 6:35 pm from Toronto and land in Lome on November 15th at 6:10 pm (Lome time).  That's about six weeks away!

3. Support is at 91% today.  AMAZING!!  We have about $600 per month left to raise to be fully supported.  Please pray with us that this final amount comes in BEFORE November 14th. We trust that God will provide.

This is starting to be really real. I was filling out all the applications for our visas today and it's crazy to think that in a few weeks, we'll actually be back in Mango. It's exciting and scary, happy and sad, good and hard all at the same time. Ugh - these crazy conflicting emotions!

You want to know how you can pray for us?  I'm so glad you asked!

1. Pray that our support and our visas are complete by November 14th.

2. Please pray for us as we struggle through the last few weeks of packing, prepping, cleaning, laughing, crying, working and visiting. It's a lot.

3. Pray that God would prepare our hearts and the hearts of our dear family and friends as this will be another hard good-bye. That's all I'm saying before the tears come.

4. Please pray that God would be glorified and honoured during these last few weeks at home and in the coming weeks and months in Mango.


  1. A heart-stopping moment when I read the departure date. But how wonderful to know that God has everything in control and He is preparing you. Can't wait to see what He will do in the lives of each of you. Praying you safely on your way, Sweet Niece.


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