Here We Go. Again.

Yup, it's true.  We are doing it.

Actually let's be totally honest:  we're attempting to do it. Again.

Round three, anyone?

Here's the news in a nutshell:

We returned to Togo in November of 2019 for a short term (2 week) trip with our church. It was a great trip.  We took Jack and Teddy with us (which is a whole other story because we hid it from them until a week before we left and they were SO surprised and excited). During that time, God laid upon our hearts (again) the great, great need for help in Mango.

When we got home in December we decided to pursue returning to Mango.  January came and we met with the leadership of our missions agency, ABWE Canada.  By the first of February we had signed up to do something totally new: rather than go as "short term" we would attempt to become "mid-term".  What does that mean, you ask?  It means that we can stay longer in Mango and that we would be required to do some different training including language and other courses.

We were all ready to go for a week of training at the ABWE headquarters when COVID 19 arrived to halt not only our plans, but also the plans of the entire world.

Full stop.

Instead of doing in-person training,  plans changed to online meetings and training seminars. After we completed that, we were officially welcomed by ABWE Canada as mid-term missionaries to Mango.

Step one: check.

There are only about 5,457 steps still to check off.  And at times, they are simply overwhelming.

But you've done this before, you say! Yes, we have.  But it is vastly different this time.  The pandemic changes a lot of things - what used to be somewhat certain is now totally up in the air.  What we thought could be our timeline will probably not even come close to reality.  Not to mention that it feels not only awkward but flat-out unkind to be asking friends, family and churches for financial support.

Everything has changed.

But that's not true, is it?  Not everything.

Thankfully, the truth is that God has not changed one tiny bit.  And that brings peace to our weary and restless souls.  But one other thing has not changed.  And this is why we continue to work away at our online courses even though life seems so uncertain:

The Great Commission hasn't changed.
God is still calling us all to go out into the world and make disciples.  The need for truth hasn't changed.  The call to go and share the Gospel hasn't changed.  And so we still plan to go, even though it may take longer to get there than we originally thought.

That's the big news.  You might have a few questions.  What about the kids? When do you think you'll be able to go?  What will you do this time?  Those are all great questions, which will make for great material for future blogposts.  Stay tuned.

We are excited. And nervous. And scared. And so are the kids. And so we plead with you to pray for us as we embark - again - on the path to which we feel God is calling us.


  1. Erin and Nathan, we are so glad to hear you plan to return to HOH in Togo! We met you there and were at your house for Bible study when we came for a short time to visit Deb and Gary and to help in any way we could. This is such an uncertain time, but God! His Great Commission hasn’t changed and we will prayerfully support your return and how we can be a part of your service. We’ll be watching here for updates and praying for God’s timing for your return to Togo. This verse jumped off the page at me in my devotions today....pray it blesses you too! “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Romans 12:11 NIV


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