Sum. Sum. Summer time.
Is it really August? Could we have a re-do of July? Can we re-install it and restart? I feel like I just didn't squeeze enough out of it. But here we are. The seventh of August and I feel like summer is slipping away. Like most summers, the routine of the September to June schedule has slipped away and we have had a more difficult time accomplishing the list of requirements our mission agency has assigned. I am hoping that the return to school (whatever that looks like) and regular routines will help us regain focus and move forward. It's not that we haven't done a thing, but before summer we committed to working at our list on Tuesday and Thursday nights. By the time the middle of July hit, we didn't even know which night was Tuesday or Saturday. Oh the deep joys of summer evenings where the sun doesn't set until late and you can squeeze just a little more time in the back yard until you realize it's almost 11 pm and you NEED to go ...