Sum. Sum. Summer time.

 Is it really August?

Could we have a re-do of July?  Can we re-install it and restart?  I feel like I just didn't squeeze enough out of it.

But here we are.  The seventh of August and I feel like summer is slipping away.  Like most summers, the routine of the September to June schedule has slipped away and we have had a more difficult time accomplishing the list of requirements our mission agency has assigned.  I am hoping that the return to school (whatever that looks like) and regular routines will help us regain focus and move forward.  It's not that we haven't done a thing, but before summer we committed to working at our list on Tuesday and Thursday nights.  By the time the middle of July hit, we didn't even know which night was Tuesday or Saturday.  Oh the deep joys of summer evenings where the sun doesn't set until late and you can squeeze just a little more time in the back yard until you realize it's almost 11 pm and you NEED to go to bed. 

So that's what we've been doing. 

But, we've also been doing some other stuff.  Real stuff.  Out-of-our-comfort-zone stuff.   

We made a movie.  Okay, let's not call it a movie.  A video. And actually, we didn't make it.  But we're in it.  And you can see it by clicking the link below.  BUT BEFORE YOU DO, keep reading.

1. It's a movie about our return to Togo.  If you've followed this blog then you know this will be our third term in Mango. 

2. We play ourselves.  And we're not good at it. We say "um" and "ah" and I fiddle with the band-aid I have on my thumb.  So please realize that though the quality is fantastic (much thanks to Brent Lively of Lively Studios), it's just us, talking about our hopes and plans to return to Togo.

3. We made this for two reasons:  First, to share the work being done in Togo at the Hospital of Hope. Second, to connect with future partners who will support us financially so that we can actually get there and do the work we're called to do. 

If you're watching this video, please consider how you can help us get to Togo.  We need thousands of dollars to pay for flights, living expenses, a vehicle and educational materials for the boys.  It has to come from somewhere and we're asking for help from you.  That's right, you.  

The work in Togo is important.  The people of Togo are important.  And our job is to give the people of Togo a voice here in Canada (and wherever else people are reading this from) so that you know the needs of these people and your heart is moved to help them.   You are the senders.  We can't go unless you send us. And we're willing to go.  Eager to go. Consider us your hands and feet in Togo as we reach the people there for the sake of the gospel. 

Let's be partners in this, together.


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