Moving Ahead!

 It's been a long time since I have posted (how many times have I written that line?).  But there has been so little to say lately.

Until now!

When we decided to return to Mango, one of the "Must Do" things on our list was language school.  We've lived in Togo for more than three years and without a doubt, our greatest frustration has been our lack of language.  So we decided that this time, before we left, we should get some language training.

About three weeks ago, we applied to an immersion French language school in Quebec.  And about two weeks ago, we were accepted!  This is so exciting and so, so scary.  Our training starts in January - so we have less than four months to prepare to leave for Sherbrooke, Quebec.  We have only signed up for one term, which means we'll be done by May 1st.  If all goes well in terms of support raising, our hope is that we'll get back home by May 1 and leaving for Mango in June.  That would be amazing - but we'll see how God's timing works out!!

Language school is going to be....interesting. First of all, it has been a very long time since Nate or I have been in full time school.  (Long, long ago in a far away land.)  Secondly, most of the missionaries in Togo refer to language school as the hardest period in their lives.  (That's encouraging. You made it through medical school and it was language school that was hard??) And lastly, we will be taking Jack and Teddy with us and they will be plopped into French public school in early January to sink or swim.  It seems harsh, doesn't it?  But everyone is saying that immersion is the best possible way to learn, so we are hoping and praying (and hoping that you'll be praying) that we all can manage those four months without losing our minds.  It's just a lot to think about. 

Also, we have a lot of money to raise. Language school is not cheap. We have been communicating with the language school and with ABWE (our mission agency) and we have been told we need to raise $24,000.00 for the four-month term.  Wow.  But here's the amazing part:  we're already almost half way there.  That IS amazing.  Friends and family and even people we don't know have generously given.  

Having this language training is so important to us and to our work and service in Togo.  The idea of having deeper conversations and more meaningful relationships with our friends there brings us so much excitement!  And the four months of tear-stained text books, frustration and late night studying will be so worth it.

Right now we are still raising our monthly support while at the same time, trying to raise the funds required for school. I haven't made a new support snake yet - because I've made a French School poster board that has books on it - each one worth $1000.00. Once that's done, the support snake will come.

At the time I took this photo, we had $8000.  Now we have $11,000.  It really is so remarkable.  And we are so grateful and so very excited about moving forward with our plans to return.


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