We made it!!

 We're here!  And we've been here a whole week. How did that happen already?

We left last Wednesday just around noon, made it to the Toronto airport, unloaded all our luggage (17 pieces of checked luggage!) and boarded the plane for Paris.  Once in Paris, we had a quick lay-over and were on the next flight to Niamey, Niger.  From there we flew to Lomé, the capital of Togo!

Nate and the boys in line with our stuff

It was a miracle to discover that all our luggage arrived and in good condition.  We had our arrival COVID tests done right in the airport and then we were greeted by the heat and humidity of Lomé as we exited the airport!  However our friends who were supposed to pick us up were not there yet - so we waiting outside the airport, sitting on a curb for about an hour before a taxi brought us to our hotel.  C'est la vie!

The following day we did our grocery shopping in the capital, had real ice cream one last time, and enjoyed a burger and a milkshake at "The Best Burger".  Saturday morning we began the long and difficult trip north.  For nine hours we traveled, stopping once for a washroom break and once for pineapples and avocados.  Oh and a public protest.  About an hour from our hometown of Mango, there is a town called Kanté.  For some reason unknown to us, a large group of people decided to start a demonstration on the only road that goes north.  Just before we came upon it, a teammate texted to let us know that he had found a circuitous route around the protest and he was waiting for us at the side of the road.  We found him a few minutes later and he led us on a long and bouncy "shortcut" to avoid the protest.  As we continued north, we saw multiple military vehicles headed south to break up the revolt. Never a dull moment. About 6:30 pm we pulled into the GH and began the process of unloading and unpacking. We were tired, sweaty and ready for bed.   

Week one has been a bit of whirlwind but it is good to be here.  So far the internet has been good, so if that continues, I'll be able to continue blogging our life here in Mango.   But right now, it's lunch time and I need to sign off.  Thanks for reading - I hope to post again soon.


  1. We’re so happy to hear that you’ve arrived safely and are settling in! I love reading about your journey and hope we may visit you there again. We will keep you all in prayer as you begin your time of ministry to these people. Looking forward to the work that will be accomplished through your faithfulness.

  2. Diane here...... So thankful you are there safely. Praying for you all daily as it makes me feel like part of this ministry. You are all loved!


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