Miracle #32

Today, Nate borrowed our friend's back-hoe to do a little work here at our house. It belongs to our friend, Stan, and looked a little like this one here:

After using it, Nate decided to take it back to Stan's and give our two smallest boys a little ride. While they were on the road, heading over to Stan's, a fire started in the back hoe. And it went from looking like the above photo to this:

And this:
And this:
(The above photo is where my babies were sitting with their daddy!)

Nate, obviously, had time to get the kids and himself out, then he called the fire department who came and put out the fire.

Because we live in a small village, I heard the air-raid siren that signals all the volunteer fire fighters to come to the hall. My sister and I heard the siren and I said to her that I wondered who that was for. Never did it occur to me that it was my husband and boys who were the ones.

This is a miracle. And even more so because Stan, our very kind friend, wasn't bothered by it at all. His first concern was for Nate and the boys.

Here he is, with his own son, helping hook up the back hoe to have it towed home:
And here is my husband, alive and well, looking a little sheepish for burning up his buddy's machine:
Thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father for protecting all three of them!!


  1. Oh. My. I'm glad they're all ok. When I was reading the bit about going for a little ride, I thought, Oh, don't tell me the kids fell out! (It happened to people I know.) But I'm not sure this was much better! Thank God it ended well.

    1. Something about machines and Nate. You can't keep him away from them so you might as well let him and just pray!


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