Number Twenty Seven!!

Yesterday was one of those days that we will never forget.

It was amazing.

We had been invited to share our plans to go to Togo at The Sanctuary church here in London.

So we did.

On Sunday morning, we went to the Sanctuary church and enjoyed a morning of worship and great teaching from Pastor Jamie. In the middle of the service, Nate and I got up and spoke about Togo, the hospital project etc.

After Pastor Jamie spoke, he surprised us by taking up a love offering. Then he had Nate, Ethan and I (the rest of the kids were in children's program) come to the front and all the people gathered around us to pray. It was awesome.

The Sanctuary is a small church with a huge heart. They were so generous with their love, support and money. It is so hard to put it all into words other than: We were blown away!

I can't explain what an encouragement it was to have been there and experience that kind of love from a group of people that are mostly strangers to us. It is such a testimony of what it is to be part of the church and the body of Christ.

Thank you to Jamie, Heather and all those from The Sanctuary! Thank you for sharing the morning with us and for your excitement for our family. We are overwhelmed by your kindness!

We give God all the glory for what happened yesterday morning. God is good. Yes, He's good!


  1. Is that the church that Heather P and her husband started? I'm assuming it is the same. That is so great! So exciting to see all these things coming together, Erin!


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