
I've been less than good at continuing to count miracles in the last several weeks.  So much has happened and we've been super busy but I have, nonetheless, been lacking in counting.

We got home from training last Saturday afternoon.  On Sunday, we spent the entire day at a family reunion and met up with some friends at the reunion who came home with us Sunday night and slept over.

These are the kinds of friends that everyone needs.  Everyone.

Jay and Krista are kindred spirits to us in their heart for missions.  They spent three and a half months in Papau New Guinea with their three very small children on a work project.  They are also kindred spirits to us in other ways.

Jay and Nate are double-trouble, kindred spirit, red-neck, handyman, motor-head, weirdos.  Krista is a home-schoolin', tough-love momma with a creative flair that makes everything she touches look gorgeous.  I am a home-schoolin', tough love momma who likes having people like Krista in my life.

Here we are on a little hike with the kids:

Monday morning Jay and Nate were busy.  In just an hour or two they threw together the stairs on our new deck.  Then they doubled for a ride on the four-wheeler, and then they watched a John Piper video.  That's just the kinda guys they are.

Before they left for home, the four of us prayed together around our little island.  We prayed for our family, our kids, the friends and family we're leaving and for a renter for our home.  We discussed renting vs. selling, we discussed how best to rent it and decided the best plan is to leave it to God. Then they packed up their stuff and hopped in their Jeep.

Just as they were ready to pull out of the driveway, two vehicles pulled in.  Nancy, a friend from church, and her daughter, hopped out and tell us that they think they have renters for our house!

Jay & Kris, Nate & I, just looked at each other.  (And I promised to call them as soon as we knew anything!)

I gave Nancy and her daughter, Rebecca, a quick tour of the house and they told me they'd bring their friends by Tuesday night.

The friends came,  looked at the house and told us they'd let us know by the end of the week.

They called Thursday afternoon.  They're not going to rent it.

I was really disappointed.  I thought this was "it."

Then I thought a little more.  Why did I ever think that this whole moving-to-Africa-deal would be easy?  That things would go super smooth, no hiccups, no trouble.  Just because I'm a Christian?

Because we all know that things go sooooo easy for Christians.  (Insert sarcasm font here.)

Because we're followers of Jesus, our lives are free from stress and trouble, right?

Then I thought about Moses.  His walk with the Lord was easy peasy in that desert for 40 years.  Then I thought about Daniel.  For sure sleeping in a den of hungry lions was a cake-walk.  Then I thought about Jesus.  Hmmmm.

Why did I ever think this was going to be smooth-sailing all the way to Togo?

It doesn't mean I'm in the depths of despair but it is a reality check.  Tough stuff happens to all of us and even if our house never ever rents, it doesn't mean that God is not in this and that it's a bad plan.  It's just life here on earth.  We are not guaranteed ease or a trouble-free existence.  And I think I needed a bit of a reminder in that area, a little kick-in-the-pants.

I still claim Psalm 37:5....Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and He will act.

He will....but it will be HIS will in His time.  It's the trusting and waiting that's hard. 


  1. I remember hearing the lovely cliche that when you take the leap of faith, God gives you wings to fly. I remember thinking that either my wings were defective or I had missed out on the flying lessons. And then I had to wrestle with the questions. Was I wrong to take the leap of faith? Is it better to play it safe? Or can I be ok with the idea that sometimes God is most glorified not in my perfect successes, but in the struggles, and even in the outright failures? There will be tough times. But he IS in this. And he WILL act to bring glory to his name. I'm trusting, waiting, and praying with you.


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