The Week of Miracles!

In the last seven days, we have seen God work in amazing ways.  Here's how it's gone down:

1.  We sold our van.  A lovely family that we know through homeschooling has decided to purchase it and I know they will take good care of our "Vantastic!"  Miracle!

2.  We sold our pop-up trailer.  Another lovely family we know has decided to take it off our hands.

3.  Our visas.  They arrived promptly on Wednesday last week.  Things went smoothly ~ everyone is allowed in the country.

4.  OUR HOME IS RENTED!!!  I saved the best for last!  I just finished signing all the papers about 10 minutes ago and I can tell you that we are so super excited to have this last item checked off the list.  Mountain MOVED!

Thank you for praying about this with us.  Thank you for your encouragement and for asking how things are going, and for so much more.  We have been so encouraged when you have told us you are praying daily for the rental of the home and GOD HAS ANSWERED!  He gets all the praise for this!

Waaaay back when I started this blog, I listed the mountains that needed to be moved.  Here was my list from March 20th blog post:

1. Raising Support: (Mountain moved.)

2. Renting our House: (Mountain moved.)

3. Selling Stuff: (Mountain mooooooved!)

4. Immunizations: (check!  We survived that!)

5. Learning to Speak French:
  (we've come pretty far with this one, but still need some work...)

6. Packing, cleaning, sorting, tossing, etc.:
(This is still a work in progress but it's happening.)

It has been amazing to see these things done by our Heavenly Father!  

Thank you, thank you, thank you for praying us through this and encouraging us along the way.


  1. Mo dubs amen! You should celebrate with another really big steak!

  2. So very cool all around. God is indeed at work.


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