Made it!

Home sweet home -- it was a long trip but a good one.

Thanks so much for praying for us -- man, can we ever tell that people are praying for us.

Kylie, Teddy and I came home together.  We flew out of Togo on Sunday night around midnight, went to Brussels and on the Brussels to Chicago flight, we were able to get our three seats together.  From Chicago we caught the later flight to Detroit, but our three seats were apart.  A kind gentlemen (bless him, whoever he is) moved seats so Teddy and I could be together.  Kylie sat across from us, between strangers but thankfully she was so tired, she slept the entire time.

It was a sweet reunion in Detroit - we were greeted by my parents, my sister and my two nephews.  We grabbed our baggage and headed home, getting into London about 1 am.

This morning we got a call from our doc's office telling us to go to the ER at the children's hospital.  Just around noon (the kids and I were pretty groggy so we weren't moving too fast this morning), we made it there, got in quick for blood work and xrays and then met with a surgical resident.  She told us that since we didn't bring Kylie's MRI images with us, they wanted to repeat the MRI.  They were hoping to do it right away and admit her into the hospital to get things moving but that didn't work out, so we will get the MRI done on Thursday and then surgery will be booked after that.

Turns out today is my sister's 40th birthday so it's actually a nice blessing that K. wasn't admitted today -- we can enjoy a dinner party with family and sleep in real beds tonight.  Right now a pillow and a blanket sounds pretty good!

Thank you so much for your notes, emails, encouragement and prayers -- it's been so awesome and we can totally tell that we are being carried by the love of our friends and family - and even total strangers who are just kind and thoughtful!

I'll continue to post and keep you up to speed....


  1. I'm so glad you were able to come home so quickly and's wonderful to have you here. I hope all goes well with Kylie, and that, despite the circumstances, you are able to enjoy your time at home.

  2. Wow, what a whirlwind in such a short time. You must be exhausted! Glad to hear you got to all spend some catch up, down time celebrating. Hope you got some rest hon. Will be praying for Kylie and her surgery. xo


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