Week One!

It's been a crazy few days since we landed.  We've been to the hospital and seen the surgeon.  Kylie's had an MRI, some x-rays and blood work.  I've seen our family doc for a little amoeba friend I brought home with me.  We've been clothes shopping (thanks Nate!), grocery shopping and out for pizza.  Dinner party, birthday party, church, Bible study and the list goes on. It has been so sweet to be reunited with family and friends!

This morning we met with the surgeon.  I have to admit that last night I had a little trouble getting to sleep just thinking about what might be said to us.  Yesterday I had three different people (all in the medical profession) talk to me about the possibility of amputation and I was FLOORED!  It had never even occured to me that this was even a possibility.  And to hear it three different times was just astounding -- I thought I was going to throw up every time someone said it.  So this morning, I get up and do my little devo book and the first line is this:  Trust Me in all that will happen today.

We met with the surgeon, she showed us Kylie`s MRI images and thankfully, THANKFULLY, THANKFULLY, amputation is definitely not required. She will have surgery on Friday at noon to open the ankle, drill into the heel bone and remove all the infection that is sitting around in there causing trouble. From what our doc said, if all goes well Kylie can be out of the hospital that same day.  We just have to wait and hear about whether she`ll do IV meds after or oral meds -- at this point, that doesn`t seem like a big problem at all. 

Sigh of relief.  And now for some photos -- it`s been a while and you probably want to see some of the nonsense we`ve been up to.  For our dear beloved team mates back in Mango -- some of these are dedicated to YOU!

This is for Christine -- look at the size of these green peppers!!!  

Guess what still exists in Canada...

And this is Kylie`s best I TOLD YOU SO face.  They truly exist!!

Juice CRYSTALS.   

I had to suffer eating this beautiful plate of grilled salmon. Sorry, Nate but I had to show you...

Dinner with great friends! 


  1. So glad that you guys made it home safely and that the amputation is off the table! We love you guys a lot and have been praying over this so much.

  2. Oh, what a wrenching thing it must have been to hear the A-word, and then to hear it repeated. So very grateful that isn't where this is headed. I'll be so glad when the surgery is behind you and Kylie is on her way to full recovery. In the meantime, thank God for big peppers, pogos, and the other perks that life in Canada offers. Enjoy every moment of them.

  3. You can't know how happy I am to read this!!! I miss you guys dearly and I'm so excited that things are moving along smoothly. I LOVE the pics! I guess you didn't make all that stuff up after all. Keep us updated. Love u guys!

  4. "We met with the surgeon, she showed us Kylie`s MRI images and thankfully, THANKFULLY, THANKFULLY, amputation is definitely not required."

    This brought tears to my eyes. God is good!! Kylie is a trooper.

  5. YAY!! Praise God! I've been praying for you and your family. Chris (Jim & John Remiger's sister)


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