Togo Time!
I've been told I HAVE to update my blog and let you know how things are going. So this is for YOU, Diane!! Things are going just fine. Nate has been in Mango for the last 2 weeks and we're looking forward to his return this Friday. It's been a cold and busy two weeks for us and a hot and busy two weeks for him. When he is away, we don't actually communicate that much. It just seems easier not to, actually. He's not really that tech-y, and since he didn't take a computer with him and using his cell phone will cost a pretty penny, we kept our communication to a few little text messages. So all I really know is that he made it safely, that the trusses were going up pretty quickly and he hoped they'd have them all set before he starts the trip south tomorrow, and (I'm quoting directly from one of his texts) "its so hot it's not funny..." The purpose of his trip was to go over and help set the trusses on Phase 3 of the hospital bui...