Togo Time!

I've been told I HAVE to update my blog and let you know how things are going.  So this is for YOU, Diane!!

Things are going just fine.  Nate has been in Mango for the last 2 weeks and we're looking forward to his return this Friday.  It's been a cold and busy two weeks for us and a hot and busy two weeks for him.

When he is away, we don't actually communicate that much.  It just seems easier not to, actually.  He's not really that tech-y, and since he didn't take a computer with him and using his cell phone will cost a pretty penny, we kept our communication to a few little text messages.

So all I really know is that he made it safely, that the trusses were going up pretty quickly and he hoped they'd have them all set before he starts the trip south tomorrow, and (I'm quoting directly from one of his texts) "its so hot it's not funny..."

The purpose of his trip was to go over and help set the trusses on Phase 3 of the hospital buildings.  Here's a photo of him and John working away that was posted on Facebook.

Nate's the one on the right.

The kids and I have done pretty well for the two weeks he's been gone.  We've had several trips to the hospital: one for Ethan's MRI, one because we thought Nolan broke his foot (which he did not!), one for Kylie's MRI, and one for Kylie's blood work.  I think that's it for hospital visits ~ I wonder what that adds up to in parking fees?  Let's not go there.

One other really cool photo I wanted to share was of Phase One.  This is a photo of the inside -- and it's starting to look like a hospital!  So exciting!!

I'll certainly write another blog post once Nate gets home and I hear all about his trip.  I'm curious to know how things went with the Togolese workers on site.  Our dog, Bullet, also became a father while we've been gone, so I want to see photos of the puppies.  I'll also post as soon as we hear any results from the blood work and MRI's.  

Here's a couple things you can pray for in the next few days:

1.  Tomorrow Nate begins the long trip south.  Please pray for safety as he and Peter Maybury make the trip.

2.  He leaves from Lome tomorrow night and arrives in Toronto around supper time on Friday.  We're pretty excited to pick him up at the airport Friday night!!

3.  Kylie and Ethan's MRI results should be in next week, so I'm hoping and praying that we see some very positive images from those tests!  I'm asking in faith for solid bone in that ankle of Kylie's - feel free to join me in that prayer!

That's it for tonight!  Thanks for reading!


  1. Glad things went well in Mango and in London! Praying for you guys as you wait to find out what's next.


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