
Today we actually have some news! So exciting.

1.  Kylie just got her latest blood work results back and we are on a roll.  That's three good ones in a row which means that she can start going for blood work every month rather than every other week.  And since it's been so stable, she can have an MRI - yay!

2.  Ethan's leg has been feeling much better since he had a flare up of nasty pain a few weeks ago.  We were able to see the surgeon shortly after that and she ordered an MRI for him as well.  It's a family affair in a skinny, noisy tube!

3. Today we got the call about the MRI's.  Ethan's is on October 19th and Kylie's is October 29th - which is NOT far away, so we were able to get in pretty quickly.

4.  Nate is going back to Togo!  He's booked a two week trip in mid-October so he'll miss both MRI's but will be home in time to get all the results.  The construction of the hospital will be ready for Phase 3 trusses so he's going to help put those up.  Please pray for him as he goes, while he's there and on his way back.  He's super excited to get to go back over.  (The rest of us are jealous but happy for him!)

So that's the news here!  That's four good ones in a row - let's keep that up!


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