We've been in the process of getting all our shots for Africa.  Africa really gets under your skin.  

We've had 2 out of 3 shots for Hep A/B.  We've had a yellow fever shot.  Now we need Meningitis and perhaps Typhoid.   Doesn't that sound like a good time?

Here's Nolan getting his shot.  
Yes, we are getting our shots outside on someone's back porch.  Turns out my lovely neighbour across the road is an ER nurse and she did the shots for free, rather than charging us $50 per person like my doc would have.  Thank you, sweet neighbour lady!

The needles are not fun.  Poor Jack just about loses his mind when he knows it's time to get one.  We had to go to the travel clinic this past week to get our yellow fever shot and it took a nurse and me to hold Jack while another nurse poked him in the arm.  He HATES it.  So do I, but I don't kick the nurse when she comes near me!  Poor Jack-o.


"Ouch.  That hurts, Momma!"

It's not only the actual needle that hurts, it's the cost. Immunizations are not cheap!

Turns out the region of Africa we're headed to is the "Meningitis Belt of the World."  Woo hoo! (they probably shouldn't use that on their tourism literature)

So, three shots down, two (or three) more to go. 

In other news, we're at a big milestone for support.  Are you ready for it??

That's right! 
We are at 98% of our monthly support!!!

Amazing.  Miracles happen, my friends!


  1. whoot! great support news..and by the way, you can take typhoid orally. :) lasts longer, too...:) love ya!


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