Garage Sale

Yesterday, two sweet women from our homeschool group held a garage sale to raise money for our family.

This is Paula and Gabrielle, showing off some of the fantastic items people donated:

Gabrielle hosted the sale at her house and by the night before, she could no longer get into her living room because of the bags & boxes of donations.   Gabrielle is crazy fun.  And on top of that, she's someone you don't want to mess with, because she's practically a black belt in karate. 

Here she is with one of her trophies (which she threw in the "free bin" at the sale)!

Paula is adorable ~ she is sensitive to people and their needs.  I have no idea how many people at the garage sale ended up talking to Paula and sharing their troubles.   She spent a lot of time listening, sharing (and chastising Gabrielle & I for dropping the prices on items)!

We had lots of good stuff -- and if you are one of the kind people who donated your unwanted items, THANK YOU!  Here's a few pics of some of the loot we sold and some very VERY happy customers!

 French IS fun!

Someone got the deal of the CENTURY!

This particular outfit was chosen for me to put on.  Call me crazy, but I think I deserve "Missionary of the Year" in this little number:

And LOOK!  How practical is that - - they're culottes!

Last, but certainly not least, this is Gabrielle's lovely daughter, Deanna.  Deanna worked her little tail off, putting out items, bringing us glasses of ice cold water, and helping out in various other ways.  At the end of the morning, she was so excited to hand me a little wallet filled with money totaling $328.80!! 

Thank you to Gabrielle and her family for allowing all the stuff to mess up their home and lives for several days.  Thanks for opening your home and your heart to us.  You know I love you, crazy sister!

Thank you to Paula for coming up with the idea and making it happen! Thanks, too, to her family for letting us have her for the better part of Saturday.  Every time Paula told someone that the garage sale was to support us building a hospital in Africa, she would get all tear-y!  I love that about you, Paula. You are so tender hearted.

Thank you, my friends!


  1. These pictures do not even look like you! Did you do something to your hair, in addition to wearing outrageous coulottes?


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