Sole Sisters

When we moved to Coldstream about a year and a half ago, I was in need of a running buddy.  Thankfully and providentially, God provided me with a neighbour, right across the road, who was eager to run with somebody too.  (I know she'll laugh as soon as she reads "eager"!)

And so we ran.   A few months in, she invited another friend, and so two became three.  And it has been the three of us for months and months now.

I love running with Alyson and Crystal.  These two are my sole sisters.

On Saturday night, our three families got together for a bbq.  It was funny to finally meet the people I've heard so much about.
Alyson and her husband have four boys.  
Crystal and her husband have four boys.
We have four boys and one girl.
Alyson has a dog named Bailey.
Crystal has a dog named Bailey.
We don't have a dog named Bailey, or a dog at all, BUT we might get one in Africa (for protection) and so, it would only seem appropriate if we named it Bailey.

We meet at 6:30 in the morning and run.  But we don't just run.  We laugh.  We share.  We solve most of the world's problems (and some of our own) by 7:15 am.  We've even had a few tears. We are NOT quiet (sorry, neighbours!).  Sometimes we almost get hit by minivans that drive too fast down Quaker Lane. 

These are my sole sisters.  I am so going to miss them.

I took my camera to the bbq to get a good picture of us. (You don't want me to post a photo of us at 6:30 am in our running gear!)

So hear we are, this is the only pic I got before my camera died, and we were laughing because Alyson thought we were being too touchy for the pic:

It really hit me that we're leaving soon when at the end of the bbq, we talked about our next run.  It would typically be Monday morning.  But Crystal's away, and then I'm away Tuesday and then Alyson works and by the time we figured out vacation time, work schedules etc, it turns out that in the next six weeks before we leave, we will only have two weeks where the three of us can all run together.

Two weeks.  Ten runs.
Oh, man.  This leaving business is beginning to get hard already.

I'm so thankful for the months of time spent together, running, chatting, laughing, and getting to know these two wonderful friends that I love.

I will so so miss them.  (And they will miss me, because I run nearest to the road.)


  1. I am laughing at Alyson thinking you were too touchy for the photo. Love it. I like that lady a lot!


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