
Last Friday, Nate came home with an adorable pair of earrings for me and a little bit of unexpected news.

Friends of ours have a daughter, Milana, and she thought it would be a good idea to do something nice for us.  So she decided to make homemade earrings, sell them at school, to her neighbours, to raise money for us to go to Africa.

I had no idea she was doing this!  She made over 100 pairs of adorable earrings and sent home a pair for me.

On Sunday, when we went to church, I grabbed my camera hoping to get a picture of Milana at church.  I was so glad I thought to grab my camera, because she brought all the earrings and sold them at church too.

Here she is, with her display (including flowers, Togolese flag, and her ipod pumping out tunes):

Here's her display, surrounded by "Sunday shoppers":

Some VERY happy customers:

 Each pair came in a cute little bag with a tag attached "Earrings for Africa by Milana" and only $5!

 Me, Milana, Kylie, and Milana's younger brother, Dylan:

I cannot tell you how blown away Nate and I (and the kids) were by Milana.  The fact that a 12 year-old girl thought of us, wanted to help and came up with an awesome idea is amazing to us.

How do you say thanks for this kind of stuff?  How do you explain what it feels like to be supported and encouraged by the kind things people do?  There just aren't words.  But each time it happens, it seems like a moment of confirmation that we're doing the right thing, that God has shown us (again) that it is not just us going alone.

We are sent.  We are supported.

And us going to Africa is less about us and more about Him doing what He wants in the hearts of people.

Thank you, Milana (and family!)


  1. this is the sweetest story ever!!!!
    we've been reading all of these missionary biographies in school, and i LOVE watching yours unfold! it's just like the one's we've been reading about!

  2. This just chokes me right up. What a great kid. What a cool thing that God is using you not just to reach people in Togo, but to move the hearts of the people right here at home. How neat to see a young woman like Milana respond to the promptings of his Spirit. This is a great story all around.

  3. Oh, so awesome! I LOVE the pictures of the VERY happy customers! hahaha And it just warms my heart! You totally are not alone - it is a privilege for those supporting you to have a small part of this God-ordained adventure! - Yvonne


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