Moving Ahead!

It's been a long time since I have posted ( how many times have I written that line? ). But there has been so little to say lately. Until now! When we decided to return to Mango, one of the "Must Do" things on our list was language school. We've lived in Togo for more than three years and without a doubt, our greatest frustration has been our lack of language. So we decided that this time, before we left, we should get some language training. About three weeks ago, we applied to an immersion French language school in Quebec. And about two weeks ago, we were accepted! This is so exciting and so, so scary. Our training starts in January - so we have less than four months to prepare to leave for Sherbrooke, Quebec. We have only signed up for one term, which means we'll be done by May 1st. If all goes well in terms of support raising, our hope is that we'll get back home by May 1 and leaving for Mango in June. That would be amazing...