
Showing posts from 2020

Moving Ahead!

 It's been a long time since I have posted ( how many times have I written that line? ).  But there has been so little to say lately. Until now! When we decided to return to Mango, one of the "Must Do" things on our list was language school.  We've lived in Togo for more than three years and without a doubt, our greatest frustration has been our lack of language.  So we decided that this time, before we left, we should get some language training. About three weeks ago, we applied to an immersion French language school in Quebec.  And about two weeks ago, we were accepted!  This is so exciting and so, so scary.  Our training starts in January - so we have less than four months to prepare to leave for Sherbrooke, Quebec.  We have only signed up for one term, which means we'll be done by May 1st.  If all goes well in terms of support raising, our hope is that we'll get back home by May 1 and leaving for Mango in June.  That would be amazing...

Sum. Sum. Summer time.

 Is it really August? Could we have a re-do of July?  Can we re-install it and restart?  I feel like I just didn't squeeze enough out of it. But here we are.  The seventh of August and I feel like summer is slipping away.  Like most summers, the routine of the September to June schedule has slipped away and we have had a more difficult time accomplishing the list of requirements our mission agency has assigned.  I am hoping that the return to school (whatever that looks like) and regular routines will help us regain focus and move forward.  It's not that we haven't done a thing, but before summer we committed to working at our list on Tuesday and Thursday nights.  By the time the middle of July hit, we didn't even know which night was Tuesday or Saturday.  Oh the deep joys of summer evenings where the sun doesn't set until late and you can squeeze just a little more time in the back yard until you realize it's almost 11 pm and you NEED to go ...

Big Changes

Last Sunday, June 7, 2020, we had a family wedding!  Our son, Ethan, was married to the beautiful Christina.  It was an amazing day.  Due to COVID, it was held in our very own back yard with a very small group of guests. Our five just before the ceremony Waiting for his bride... Teddy giving Ethan the ring  Big joy-filled smiles Nolan signing as Best Man Hitched! This was such an amazing day for all of us.  We are absolutely so grateful to the Lord for bringing these two together and adding a new Weston to our family. 

Here We Go. Again.

Yup, it's true.  We are doing it. Actually let's be totally honest:  we're attempting to do it. Again. Round three, anyone? Here's the news in a nutshell: We returned to Togo in November of 2019 for a short term (2 week) trip with our church. It was a great trip.  We took Jack and Teddy with us (which is a whole other story because we hid it from them until a week before we left and they were SO surprised and excited). During that time, God laid upon our hearts (again) the great, great need for help in Mango. When we got home in December we decided to pursue returning to Mango.  January came and we met with the leadership of our missions agency, ABWE Canada.  By the first of February we had signed up to do something totally new: rather than go as "short term" we would attempt to become "mid-term".  What does that mean, you ask?  It means that we can stay longer in Mango and that we would be required to do some different training including l...