Attempting to Take A Prayer Card Photo....

Last Sunday was a beautiful day so we decided to meet our friend, Heather, and see if she could take a few photos of our family to use for our prayer card.

Our goal: One good picture. One. That's all we're asking.

Trying to get seven people to all look the same way, and look nice is not an easy task.

I'll share with you some of the fun photos Heather took. She did a great job considering the task she was given!

Photo 1:

Dear, sweet, Heather has a wicked sense of humor, and as I was JOKINGLY trying to get on this huge tree log, I forgot that she was ready, camera in hand:

Photo #2:

Trying to get Teddy to join the fun...

Photo #3:
Nate had this super-cheesey idea for us to stand in a row, looking all serene and peaceful. It didn't quite come off the way he had envisioned...I think Teddy doesn't want to go to Africa...

Photo #4: The one that we are using.

Yes, Teddy isn't looking the right direction.

Yes, there is a stick in my face.

But yes, this is the best one of the bunch!! Ya gotta work with what you have...

Thank you, Heather, for your patience and fantastic sense of humour!!


  1. LOL! Oh I love it! The one of you all in a row with Ted not wanting to go to Africa ... ah! I actually laughed out loud! And the one you chose - perfect. You're such a super family! :)
    - Yvonne


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