Praise! (I think...)
He is a lover of motorcycles. In fact, he loves most anything that has a motor and can go fast.
Last year, he bought a motor bike.
Last night, he sold it.
Which is good. It has to go. We can't take it and it's silly to store it for two years in a bin somewhere....not that we didn't have offers from friends willing to babysit it.
Here it is:
I posted the ad, which said:
"For Sale
This super awesome bike is for sale because we are moving overseas. My wife is making me sell it. Contact us if you're interested (or don't and may be she'll let me keep it...)"
We had a lot of responses.
And now it's sold ~ which truly is an item of praise to God because we needed it to sell before we left.
And he is totally fine with it. I think. :)
I had a motorbike once, and my license, too. Overseas. I will pray that Nate finds the ride of his dreams in Togo.