
This afternoon I received an email! A good one. A great one!

Here's what the first paragraph said:

Erin & Nathan,

I know you have been working hard on your application and waiting for this e-mail. Congratulations, your application is complete and you are approved for your 2 year AMP ministry in Mango, Togo! Attached is a copy of your approval letter – the original is included in the AMP packet you will receive by postal mail from the US office.

Would ya look at that? Another miracle -- and since I haven't posted in a few days, this is actually miracle #24.

The last time I posted we were at #18.

#19 - a message on my answering machine telling me I could colour in 2 and a half "snake stripes" in support!

#20 - an email from a woman holding a hockey tournament that sponsors missions ~ and she wants some of the proceeds of this tournament to sponsor us!

#21 - a meeting with a real estate agent/friend who offers to help us rent our house, deal with the legal jargon etc. (stuff I detest!)

#22 - Sunday: four families at church let us know they'd like to sponsor us

#23 - Monday morning: I check my email and have two emails from friends that want to sponsor us!

So, I think we're all caught up!

We are excited and want to thank God for each of these miracles and how He has done these great things!


  1. I think what this blog really needs is a webcam pointed at Mr. Snake showing realtime stripey updates, sort of like ticker tape?

    So excited to share in this journey with you guys and so appreciative of the updates you share. I consider them spiritual snacks :-)

    - Sam


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