Miracle #25

A couple of weeks ago we were in to see our doc about immunizations. Turns out the kids and I each need at least four shots each before we go. While I was leaving the office, our doc's secretary asked me which pharmacy she should send the prescription to. I told her it didn't matter so she picked the one closest to me in Ilderton.

I didn't even know we had a pharmacy in Ilderton. Once I got home I had to call my friend to find out where it was even located in Ilderton.

I popped into the Ilderton pharmacy and guess who's behind the counter?? A friend from church. A motorcycle buddy of Nate's. I knew he was a pharmacist/genius but I didn't know where he actually worked. He told me that he could get the shots for us, no problem and that he'd even help us save on the dispensing fee. Beautiful!! I love that word "save"!

Today, I pop into the pharmacy that I didn't know existed to see the pharmacist that I do know but didn't know where he worked. This pharmacist hands me all the shots and in his very casual way tells me he'd like to cover the cost. Don't try and tell me that God isn't in the details!

My favourite line of the conversation was this:

Me: "Wow, Pharmacist Friend, this is incredible....thank you so much."
Pharmacist Friend: "Well, I just figure we're all part of this."

Yes! We are all Part of This.

If you are reading this blog and praying for us, you are part of this. If you are giving, you are part of this. If you have encouraged us, you are part of this.

And we thank you.


  1. So neat to see God answering prayers and making His presence known in every detail! Thanks for sharing.

  2. That's really neat. I will be praying for bravery as you face a collective 24 injections :-P God IS in the details, and I needed to be reminded of that this morning. Thank you. You are in my prayers.


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