The Story Continues (Not for the Faint-of-Heart)
And the story continues…. After the first procedure of removing the pus, the docs proceeded to inform me that she was indeed a rather sick little girl and that it was God’s grace that we came in time. Not that she would have died on the way, but her ankle joint was septic. “Septic arthritis” they said. And that we were fortunate to get her to Tsiko before the infection moved from her joint and into her blood stream. They took some of the pus and cultured it, hoping to discover if the infection was strep or staph. And they started her on some heavy antibiotics! She was on two or three different kinds, plus pain killers. Todd and Kelly told me to bring her back at 9 pm that night (still Friday) to do the whole procedure again – suck out pus, and then irrigate the joint by putting three needles into her foot, and then basically flushing it with water. The water goes in one needle hole and comes squirting out the others. Here's Kylie's fo...
Now that's a snake you can handle! Love, Love, Love it!!!